Associate Professor of Finance
at the Barcelona School of Economics

Here is a list of useful databases for our students that do a thesis in finance. Keep in mind that many of these require a subscription. I still list them because occasionally you may find ways of getting some free data from them.
At the BGSE we have COMPUSTAT North America and CRSP
These databases are available at the library of UPF
ABI / Inform Global and ABI / Inform Dateline and ABI / Inform Trade & Industry and ABI Inform Complete: Full-text database on economics and business: corporate strategies, management techniques, marketing, product development, accounting, finance, etc. It offers more than 6,800 electronic journals (of which more than 5,400 in full text), 25,000 theses, working papers and newspapers such as The Wall Street and The Financial Times. Chronological scope: from 1971 to the present.
ProQuest Central: Database included in ProQuest Central that includes publications, from current news to articles in academic and professional journals, on financial services, accounting, tax, banking, and industry trends. Most publications are accessible in full text.
addb - Advertising Database: Database of advertisements published in the press, created by Eva Sanagustín. Allows searching by brand, category, or even by keyword.
Amadeus: Database containing financial information of about 19 million European companies in 43 countries. It contains up to 10 years of historical information of the accounts of each company and can be searched by company or group of companies. Reports can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet and the language and currency of interest can be chosen. It allows to extract detailed statistical and / or comparative analyzes and to realize different graphs with the resulting data.
Acicsa Yearbook: Database containing information on more than 20,000 companies in Catalonia. It includes information on companies such as their activity, their business scope and trade relations with foreign markets. You can search by company name, brands, anagram, CIF and subjects. It also allows you to make lists that provide information on turnover, exports and the number of employees; these listings are accompanied by a file and a graph of each company that can be consulted online or printed. To consult it, go to the information desk.
OECD Statistical Compendium: Statistical database that provides information on the economic and social situation of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) member countries. The chronological scope varies by country and data but can be started in 1970. It is part of All That Stats. Half-yearly update.
Eikon Datastream: Database containing information on financial markets, as well as prices, financial research, news, financial data of companies and financial estimates. Real-time update. It has a very wide coverage at current level and retrospective of data at international level. Access restricted to UPF users, go to the Bibliographic Information desk.
Factiva: Full-text database for business, finance and news. Factiva is the result of a collaboration between Dow Jones and Reuters. It gives access to about 1,000 international and local newspapers, 3,000 magazines, 300 newswires, 10,000 websites in more than 20 languages, 30,000 company reports and more than 4,000 photographs. Chronological scope: since 1989. Territorial scope: international. Update: all day.
IMF Data Access to Macroeconomic & Financial Data: Database of international statistics on aspects of international and national funding. It includes more than 200 countries and regions and provides data on exchange rates, international liquidity, international banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions, public accounts and national accounts. It includes access to various databases such as: International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) among others. To download and work with the data you must register as a user. In addition, it gives access to the IMF's eLibrary, which has more than 21,000 open-access IMF publications published in English, French, Spanish, and in some cases also Russian, Chinese and Arabic, and allows you to download them
Marketline Datamonitor 360: Online service that contains economic and financial information. Provides detailed reports of companies worldwide; macroeconomic, social, demographic and industrial data of countries; market research reports, and specialized press news, business reviews, and analysis to keep up to date with the latest events. It includes a selection of the most influential actors in a selection of topics. Daily update.
Sabi Iberian balance analysis system: Database containing financial information of about 950,000 companies in Spain. It contains up to 10 years of historical information of the accounts of each company and can be searched by company or group of companies. Reports can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet and the language (Spanish, Portuguese or English) and currency of interest can be chosen. It allows to extract detailed statistical and / or comparative analyzes and to realize different graphs with the resulting data.
- (notice K.French's data)
- but that is quite ambitious and not strictly finance.
- (check for the free data, not only the premium).
S#.Data is a free application for downloading and storing market data from various sources
OECD.StatExtracts includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies.
- includes data for 20,000+ Macroeconomic and Financial Indicators of 150 countries
United Kingdom
United States
Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED (includes URL-based API)
- (reporting data by banks to the FED)
Foreign Exchange
Dukascopy - Historical FX prices; XML and CSV. There is a non-affiliated downloader called tickstory.
ForexForums Historical Data - Historical FX downloads via Amazon S3
FXCM provides an open repository of tick data starting from January 4th 2015, with a download script on github.
TrueFX - Historical FX rates (in ZIP/CSV format). A download helper script is available on GitHub. asks for free registration. Same files are linked from Pepperstone, no registration needed.
RTFXD - Real Time FX Data: Delivered via ssh.
Equity and Equity Indices
Fixed Income
Options and Implied Volatility
Specific Exchanges