Associate Professor of Finance
at the Barcelona School of Economics
Course on the Foundations of Corporate Policies
I am currently designing a course on the foundations of corporate policies. The full syllabus is not ready yet.... But here are some key bibliographical references.
Sources of financial constraints
Acharya, H Almeida, F Ippolito, A Perez. (2014) “Credit lines as monitored liquidity insurance: Theory and evidence,” Journal of Financial Economics 112 (3), 287-319
Holmström B and Tirole J., Private and Public Supply of Liquidity, Journal of Political Economy 1998 106:1, 1-40
Holmstrom, B. and J. Tirole. 1997. Financial intermediation, loanable funds, and the real sector. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112:663–692: A simple model of debt capacity and credit rationing in the presence of moral hazard
Myers, S. 1984. The capital structure puzzle. Journal of Finance 39:573–592.
Myers, S. C. and Majluf, N. S. (1984), ‘Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have’, Journal of Financial Economics 13(2), 187–221.
Myers, Stewart C. 1977. "Determinants of Corporate Borrowing." Journal of Financial Economics. November, 5:2, pp.147-75: Debt overhang and suboptimal investment in the presence of moral hazard
Rampini, A. A. and Viswanathan, S. (2010), ‘Collateral, risk management, and the distribution of debt capacity’, The Journal of Finance 65(6), 2293–2322.
Tirole J., The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, 2006: A unified framework based on managerial moral hazard
Froot, K.A., Scharfstein, D.S. and Stein, J.C., 1993. Risk management: Coordinating corporate investment and financing policies. the Journal of Finance, 48(5), pp.1629-1658.
Measuring financial constraints
Almeida, H., Campello, M. and Weisbach, M. S. (2004), ‘The cash flow sensitivity of cash’, The Journal of Finance 59(4), 1777–1804.
Buehlmaier, M. M. and Whited, T. M. (2018), ‘Are financial constraints priced? evidence from textual analysis’, The Review of Financial Studies 31(7), 2693–2728.
Farre-Mensa, J. and Ljungqvist, A. (2016), ‘Do measures of financial constraints measure financial constraints?’, The Review of Financial Studies 29(2), 271–308.
Fazzari, S., Hubbard, R. G. and Petersen, B. (1988), ‘Investment, financing decisions, and tax policy’, American Economic Review 78(2), 200–205.
Hadlock, C. J. and Pierce, J. R. (2010), ‘New evidence on measuring financial constraints: Moving beyond the kz index’, The Review of Financial Studies 23(5), 1909–1940.
Kaplan, S. N. and Zingales, L. (1997), ‘Do investment-cash flow sensitivities provide useful measures of financing constraints?’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics 112(1), 169–215.
Lamont, O., Polk, C. and Saaá-Requejo, J. (2001), ‘Financial constraints and stock returns’, The Review of Financial Studies 14(2), 529–554.
Nikolov, B., Schmid, L. and Steri, R. (2018b), ‘The sources of financing constraints’, Working Paper.
Whited, T. M. and Wu, G. (2006), ‘Financial constraints risk’, The Review of Financial Studies 19(2), 531–559.
Financial constraints and the cost of external equity
Akhigbe, A. and Whyte, A. M. (2015), ‘Seo announcement returns and internal capital market efficiency’, Journal of Corporate Finance 31, 271–283.
Benveniste, L. M., Busaba,W. Y. and Wilhelm Jr,W. J. (2002), ‘Information externalities and the role of underwriters in primary equity markets’, Journal of Financial Intermediation 11(1), 61–86.
Brau, J. C. and Fawcett, S. E. (2006), ‘Initial public offerings: An analysis of theory and practice’, The Journal of Finance 61(1), 399–436.
Chen, H. C., and Ritter, J. R. (2000). The seven percent solution. The Journal of Finance, 55(3), 1105-1131.
Corwin, S. A. (2003), ‘The determinants of underpricing for seasoned equity offers’, The Journal of Finance 58(5), 2249–2279.
Corwin, S. A. and Schultz, P. (2005), ‘The role of ipo underwriting syndicates: Pricing, information production, and underwriter competition’, The Journal of Finance 60(1), 443–486.
DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L. and Stulz, R. M. (2010), ‘Seasoned equity offerings, market timing, and the corporate lifecycle’, Journal of Financial Economics 95(3), 275–295.
Eckbo, B. E., Masulis, R. W. and Norli, Ø. (2007), Security offerings, in ‘Handbook of empirical corporate finance’, Elsevier, pp. 233–373.
Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (2005), ‘Financing decisions: who issues stock?’, Journal of financial economics 76(3), 549–582.
Hennessy, C. A. and Whited, T. M. (2007), ‘How costly is external financing? evidence from a structural estimation’, The Journal of Finance 62(4), 1705–1745.
Lee, G. and Masulis, R. W. (2009), ‘Seasoned equity offerings: Quality of accounting information and expected flotation costs’, Journal of Financial Economics 92(3), 443–469.
Li, S., Whited, T. M. and Wu, Y. (2016), ‘Collateral, taxes, and leverage’, The Review of Financial Studies 29(6), 1453–1500.
Lowry, M., Michaely, R., Volkova, E. et al. (2017), ‘Initial public offerings: A synthesis of the literature and directions for future research’, Foundations and Trends in Finance 11(3-4), 154–320.
Masulis, R. W. and Korwar, A. N. (1986), ‘Seasoned equity offerings: An empirical investigation’, Journal of Financial Economics 15(1-2), 91–118.
Ritter, J. R. (2003), ‘Differences between european and american IPO markets’, European Financial Management 9(4), 421–434.
Financial constraints and investment
Albuquerque, R. and Wang, N. (2008), ‘Agency conflicts, investment, and asset pricing’, The Journal of Finance 63(1), 1–40.
Almeida, H. and Campello, M. (2007), ‘Financial constraints, asset tangibility, and corporate investment’, The Review of Financial Studies 20(5), 1429–1460.
Bond, S. and Meghir, C. (1994), ‘Dynamic investment models and the firm’s financial policy’, The Review of Economic Studies 61(2), 197–222.
Chava, S. and Roberts, M. R. (2008), ‘How does financing impact investment? the role of debt covenants’, The Journal of Finance 63(5), 2085–2121.
Clementi, G. L. and Hopenhayn, H. A. (2006), ‘A theory of financing constraints and firm dynamics’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics 121(1), 229–265.
Cooper, I., Maio, P. F. and Yang, C. (2018), ‘What drives q and investment fluctuations?’, Working Paper .
Fazzari, S., Hubbard, R. G. and Petersen, B. (1988), ‘Investment, financing decisions, and tax policy’, American Economic Review 78(2), 200–205.
Gomes, J. F. (2001), ‘Financing investment’, American Economic Review 91(5), 1263–1285.
Hennessy, C. A. (2004), ‘Tobin’s q, debt overhang, and investment’, The Journal of Finance 59(4), 1717–1742.
Li, D. (2011), ‘Financial constraints, R&D investment, and stock returns’, The Review of Financial Studies 24(9), 2974–3007.
Moyen, N. (2004), ‘Investment–cash flow sensitivities: Constrained versus unconstrained firms’, The Journal of finance 59(5), 2061–2092.
Myers, S. C. and Majluf, N. S. (1984), ‘Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have’, Journal of Financial Economics 13(2), 187–221.
Strebulaev, I. A., Whited, T. M. et al. (2012), ‘Dynamic models and structural estimation in corporate finance’, Foundations and Trends in Finance 6(1–2), 1–163.
Whited, T. M. (2006), ‘External finance constraints and the intertemporal pattern of intermittent investment’, Journal of Financial Economics 81(3), 467–502.
Capital structure dynamics
DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L. and Whited, T. M. (2011), ‘Capital structure dynamics and transitory debt’, Journal of Financial Economics 99(2), 235–261.
Faulkender, M., Flannery, M., Hankins, K. and Smith, J. (2012), ‘Cash flow and leverage adjustments’, Journal of Financial Economics, 103, 632–646
Flannery, M. J. and Hankins, K.W. (2013), ‘Estimating dynamic panel models in corporate finance’, Journal of Corporate Finance 19, 1–19.
Flannery, M. J. and Rangan, K. P. (2006), ‘Partial adjustment toward target capital structures’, Journal of Financial Economics 79(3), 469–506.
Gomes, J., Jermann, U. and Schmid, L. (2016), ‘Sticky leverage’, American Economic Review 106(12), 3800–3828.
Halling, M., Yu, J. and Zechner, J. (2016), ‘Leverage dynamics over the business cycle’, Journal of Financial Economics 122(1), 21–41.
Hennessy, C. A. and Whited, T. M. (2005), ‘Debt dynamics’, The Journal of Finance 60(3), 1129–1165.
Huang, R. and Ritter, J. R. (2009), ‘Testing theories of capital structure and estimating the speed of adjustment’, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 44(2), 237–271.
Ippolito, F., Sacchetto, S. and Steri, R. (2017), ‘Dynamic leverage targets’, Working Paper.
Leary, M. T. and Roberts, M. R. (2005), ‘Do firms rebalance their capital structures?’, The Journal of Finance 60(6), 2575–2619.
Lemmon, M. L., Roberts, M. R. and Zender, J. F. (2008), ‘Back to the beginning: persistence and the cross-section of corporate capital structure’, The Journal of Finance 63(4), 1575–1608.
Strebulaev, I. A., Whited, T. M. et al. (2012), ‘Dynamic models and structural estimation in corporate finance’, Foundations and Trends in Finance 6(1–2), 1–163.
Strebulaev, Ilya A., 2007, Do tests of capital structure theory mean what they say?, Journal of Finance 62, 1747-1787.
Financial constraints, leverage and equity returns
Albuquerque, R. and Wang, N. (2008), ‘Agency conflicts, investment, and asset pricing’, The Journal of Finance 63(1), 1–40.
Bhandari, L. C., 1988, Debt/equity ratio and expected common stock returns: Empirical evidence, The Journal of Finance, 43(2), 507{528.
Buehlmaier, M. M. and Whited, T. M. (2018), ‘Are financial constraints priced? evidence from textual analysis’, The Review of Financial Studies 31(7), 2693–2728.
George, Thomas J. , Chuan-Yang Hwang, A resolution of the distress risk and leverage puzzles in the cross section of stock returns, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 96, Issue 1, April 2010, Pages 56-79
Gomes, J. F., and Schmid, L. (2010). Levered returns. The Journal of Finance, 65(2), 467-494.
Gomes, J. F., Yaron, A. and Zhang, L. (2006), ‘Asset pricing implications of firms’ financing constraints’, The Review of Financial Studies 19(4), 1321–1356.
Ippolito, F., Steri, R. and Tebaldi, C. (2017), ‘Levered returns and capital structure imbalances’, Working Paper.
Lamont, O., Polk, C. and Saaá-Requejo, J. (2001), ‘Financial constraints and stock returns’, The Review of Financial Studies 14(2), 529–554.
Li, D. and Zhang, L. (2010), ‘Does q-theory with investment frictions explain anomalies in the cross section of returns?’, Journal of Financial Economics 98(2), 297–314.
Livdan, D., Sapriza, H. and Zhang, L. (2009), ‘Financially constrained stock returns’, The Journal of Finance 64(4), 1827–1862.
Obreja, I., 2013, Book-to-market equity, nancial leverage, and the cross-section of stock returns, Review of Financial Studies, 26(5), 1146{1189.
Ozdagli, A. K. (2012), ‘Financial leverage, corporate investment, and stock returns’, The Review of Financial Studies 25(4), 1033–1069.
Whited, T. M. and Wu, G. (2006), ‘Financial constraints risk’, The Review of Financial Studies 19(2), 531–559.
Financial constraints and liquidity management
Acharya, H Almeida, F Ippolito, A Perez. “Credit lines as monitored liquidity insurance: Theory and evidence,” Journal of Financial Economics 112 (3), 287-319
Acharya, V Heitor Almeida, Murillo Campello, Is cash negative debt? A hedging perspective on corporate financial policies, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Volume 16, Issue 4, October 2007, Pages 515-554
Bates, T., Kahle, K., & Stulz, R. (2009) Why Do U. S. Firms Hold So Much than They Used To? The Journal of Finance, 64(5), pp. 1985–2021.
Disatnik, D, Ran Duchin, and Breno Schmidt, Cash Flow Hedging and Liquidity Choices, Review of Finance, Vol. 18, No. 2 (April 2014): 715-748
Faulkender, M., Flannery, M., Hankins, K. and Smith, J. (2012), ‘Cash flow and leverage adjustments’, Journal of Financial Economics, 103, 632–646
Froot, K.A., D.S. Scharfstein & J.C. Stein (1993). ”Risk Management: Coordinating Corporate Investment and Financing Policies”, The Journal of Finance, vol XLVIII, no. 5, 1629-1658.
Gamba, A. and Triantis, A. (2008), ‘The value of financial flexibility’, The Journal of Finance 63(5), 2263–2296.
Holmström B and Tirole J., Private and Public Supply of Liquidity, Journal of Political Economy 1998 106:1, 1-40
Ilya A. Strebulaev, Baozhong Yang, The mystery of zero-leverage firms, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 109, Issue 1, July 2013, Pages 1-23
Nikolov, B. and Whited, T. M. (2014), ‘Agency conflicts and cash: Estimates from a dynamic model’, The Journal of Finance 69(5), 1883–1921.
Nikolov, B., Schmid, L. and Steri, R. (2018a), ‘Dynamic corporate liquidity’, Journal of Financial Economics.
Rampini, A. A. and Viswanathan, S. (2010), ‘Collateral, risk management, and the distribution of debt capacity’, The Journal of Finance 65(6), 2293–2322.
Strebulaev, I. A., Whited, T. M. et al. (2012), ‘Dynamic models and structural estimation in corporate finance’, Foundations and Trends in Finance 6(1–2), 1–163.
Boudoukh, J., Michaely, R., Richardson, M. and Roberts, M. R. (2007), ‘On the importance of measuring payout yield: Implications for empirical asset pricing’, The Journal of Finance 62(2), 877– 915.
Fama, E, Kenneth R French, Disappearing dividends: changing firm characteristics or lower propensity to pay?, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 60, Issue 1, April 2001, Pages 3-43
Farre-Mensa, Joan; Michaely, Roni; Schmalz, Martin. "Payout Policy" Annual Review of Financial Economics 6 (2014): 75-134.
Servaes and Tufano: Survey evidence on dividend policy